California Enacts New Workers’ Compensation Poster Requirements

CMR Risk & Insurance Services Inc. > Blog > Business > California Enacts New Workers’ Compensation Poster Requirements
Posted by: CMR July 22, 2024 No Comments

On July 15, 2024, California enacted Assembly Bill 1870, requiring employers to notify injured workers that they can consult with a licensed attorney regarding their rights under workers’ compensation laws. This law becomes effective on Jan. 1, 2025.

Overview of the New Posting Requirements

California’s workers’ compensation laws generally require covered employers to post a notice in a conspicuous location that includes the following:

  • How to obtain emergency medical treatment, if needed;
  • The kinds of events, injuries and illnesses covered by workers’ compensation;
  • The injured employee’s right to receive medical care;
  • The employee’s rights to select and change their treating physician;
  • The employee’s rights to receive temporary and permanent disability indemnity, supplemental job displacement and death benefits;
  • To whom the injuries should be reported;
  • The existence of time limits for the employer to be notified of an injury;
  • Protections against discrimination; and
  • The website address and contact information employees can use to obtain additional information.

The amendment requires employers to provide information in the notice about injured workers’ rights to consult a licensed attorney to advise them of their rights under workers’ compensation laws. The poster advises injured workers that, in most instances, attorney fees will be paid from an injured worker’s recovery.

Employer Takeaways

Employers may consider obtaining and displaying compliant workplace posters from their workers’ compensation carrier.

Article Published By: Zywave, Inc.

CMR Workers Compensation Services

Author: CMR

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