Non-Profit, Social Services & Healthcare
Non-profit Organizations
CMR specializes in providing property & general liability insurance programs for non-profit organizations engaged in Social Services, Environmental, Educational, and Children Services. Our services include risk management review, insurance marketing & placement, claim management, loss control services, contractual review, and many more non-profit specific service programs. CMR has programs designed for all types of organizations that are registered as 501c corporations. CMR has specific insurance programs that include a broad level of coverage including:
- General Liability
- Professional Liability
- Directors & Officers
- Discrimination
- Abuse
- Property
- Programs Tailored to the Needs of a Specific Organization
Captive/Alternative Risk Financing Program
Group captive program with separated cells. A captive program minimizes or eliminates an insurance companies acquisition costs, marketing expenses, high commissions, administration and overhead. As a member of a captive, safety pays. You are rewarded for effective risk management by receiving dividends that are directly related to loss performance, while investment income accumulates to your benefit. CMR’s program allows for proven pricing practices that offer an unbiased formula to calculate premiums based on a member’s actual loss history rather than aggregated averages and trends in the insurance market. Risk management services that better control risk and help prevent losses with a formalized risk assessment methodology. In-house safety professionals to help coordinate all risk control services.
Non-profit Organizations CMR specializes in providing property & general liability insurance programs for non-profit organizations engaged in Social Services, Environmental, Educational, and Children Services. Our services include risk management review, insurance marketing & placement, claim management, loss control services, contractual review, and many more non-profit specific service programs. CMR has programs designed for all types...