Real Estate

October 15, 2024

OSHA Announces Top 10 Violations for 2024

OSHA recently revealed its top 10 most frequently cited standards in the 2024 fiscal year using preliminary data. This information is valuable for businesses of all kinds, as it helps them identify common exposures that affect their workforce and gives them the information they need to plan their compliance programs. For 2024, the top 10...

August 27, 2024

The Risks of Severe Convective Storms

Severe convective storms can cause injuries, infrastructure damage and significant financial losses for businesses and their commercial properties. Often accompanied by hail, flooding, strong winds, lightning and abrupt temperature shifts, they are among the costliest types of natural disasters, according to industry research. To reduce potential losses and improve safety, employers should understand the risks...

August 16, 2024

Managing Common Risks for Condominium and Community Associations

Condominium and community associations carry out several essential tasks and responsibilities, such as ensuring the facilities are maintained properly or managing the budget appropriately. However, these entities also face numerous risks. As such, they need to be aware of their exposures to enhance community safety and financial stability. This article provides more information on the...

August 6, 2024

Factors to Consider When Estimating Maximum Loss of Business Income

Business interruption insurance can offer much-needed financial protection when an organization’s usual business activities are disrupted by covered perils (e.g., fires, theft, vandalism, heavy wind and hailstorms). Sometimes called business income insurance, this form of coverage can be purchased as a supplement to commercial property insurance or secured through a business owner’s policy—a bundled insurance...

July 24, 2024

P&C Hard Market Should Ease Up in 2025

Hard market conditions will continue through 2024 for both commercial and personal lines, but begin to ease in 2025, according to the latest sigma report from Swiss Re. “The insurance industry has reached a new equilibrium after the challenges of recent years. The global economy has surprised on the upside, which should drive more demand...

July 1, 2024

2024 Midyear Market Outlook: Commercial Property Insurance

The commercial property insurance segment has been characterized by ongoing premium increases for much of the past decade. According to industry data, such rate jumps reached record-setting levels in 2023, surging by an average of 20.4% in the first quarter alone and only slightly falling to 18.3% in the latter half of the year. These...

June 18, 2024

Commercial Property Insurance Market Proving More Stable, Capitalized: USI

Following last year’s historically challenging property insurance market, 2024 is proving to be “a more stable and capitalized market,” USI Insurance Services reported in its latest Commercial Property & Casualty Market Outlook Mid-Year Addendum. “Large rate increases from 2023 have mostly subsided for the broader market,” the New York-based insurance brokerage firm said in the report....

January 16, 2024

Fire Prevention Measures for Idle and Vacant Properties

When properties are left idle or vacant, the risk of fire-related incidents increases. Therefore, implementing a comprehensive fire prevention strategy is crucial. This article explores essential fire prevention measures for idle and vacant properties to ensure the safety of the premises and minimize the risk of destructive fires. Fire Prevention Measures Businesses should consider the...

January 4, 2024

Tips for Property Managers to Avoid Rent Payment Fraud

Rent payment fraud can result in significant financial impacts on property rental businesses. With various payment types available, numerous fraud tactics exist, so property managers should ensure they are aware of these schemes while taking measures to mitigate the risk of such fraud occurring. This article provides information about common types of rent payment fraud...

January 2, 2024

Six Trends Affecting Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance plays a critical role in protecting the assets of a business. In the event of a loss, this coverage can help businesses replace or rebuild their damaged or destroyed property and restore their operations in a timely manner. As such, it’s crucial for your organization to obtain an sufficient commercial property insurance...