Employee Benefits

July 27, 2022

For an Edge on Office Leasing, Get Health Conscious

A research note out of Marcus & Millichap on the office market claims there are “bifurcated fundamentals.” Central business district (CBD) offices are seeing faster climbing vacancy rates than those in suburbs, so preliminary second quarter data suggests. What’s causing the unhealthy disparity? Concerns about health. “This is in part due to the increased emphasis...

July 12, 2022

The Hybrid Workplace is Here to Stay

One of the largest changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to the workplace was the popularization of remote work. Industries that previously operated solely from offices realized almost overnight that they could operate without everyone under a single roof. With the pandemic on the wane and restrictions being eased, many workers have expressed interest...

June 17, 2022

Combating Rising Benefits Costs During Periods of High Inflation

The U.S. inflation rate has increased by 8.3% over the last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This has led to significant price increases across various consumer goods as well as employee benefits such as health insurance. In fact, one-third of U.S. employees have already seen an increase in their health costs...

June 15, 2022

The Shifting Workplace – The New Must-Have Amenity Spaces

The pandemic has brought on a new set of unexpected challenges for the Commercial Real Estate Industry. As many employers are urging their staff to head back to the office, they are being met with hesitancy, some reluctancy, and in the worst-case scenario, resignations. The pandemic has re-aligned workplace culture, and employee values, and has...

June 7, 2022

Do Nonprofits Need Liability Insurance?

The answer to the question about whether nonprofits need liability insurance is more than a simple “yes” or “no.” When a group or individual considers purchasing any type of insurance policy, it’s important to think about the reason they need it, and the potential for them to cause harm to someone else, either intentionally or...

May 18, 2022

Why Are US Commercial Insurance Rates Continuing to Climb?

A new report from the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) has looked into the impact of inflationary pressures on commercial lines insurance in the US and identified three main drivers of commercial insurance rate increases. “Insurers and agents continue to look for ways to reduce costs while still meeting all obligations to policyholders, but as claims...

May 17, 2022

How to Learn from Accidents in the Workplace

Workplace accidents are serious and frequently result in severe injuries – even death.  As a business owner, you’d like to believe it couldn’t happen to you, but that isn’t always the case.  Regardless of the stringent safety protocols, you have in place – never say never. How these incidents occur and the seriousness of an...

April 28, 2022

A Diverse Workforce Needs Diverse Employee Benefits

Employee benefits play a key role in helping organizations attract and retain employees. But not all benefits are valued equally by all employees. As the U.S. workforce becomes more diverse in terms of racial and ethnic background, native language, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, health, work location and more, employers need to respond by offering a...

April 26, 2022

Office Risk is Increasing as Workers Continue to Prefer Remote Options

Since the initial wave of the COVID-19 Omicron variant started to subside, people have begun to return to the office in larger numbers than we have seen since the start of the pandemic. But office owners are still trying to define “return.” In our 2022 commercial real estate trends overview, we explored the on-going struggle between...

April 13, 2022

OSHA Launches Program to Protect Workers From Heat Hazards

On April 12, 2022, OSHA launched its National Emphasis Program (NEP) for protecting workers from heat hazards in indoor and outdoor workplaces. Through the program, OSHA will conduct heat-related workplace inspections before workers suffer preventable injuries, illnesses or fatalities. The NEP is effective on April 8, 2022, and will remain in effect for three years...