August 2, 2021

Preparing Workers’ Comp for Future Pandemics

Intending to recognize additional catastrophic exposures on workers’ comp systems that can impact ratemaking, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is proposing that any event exceeding $50 million in losses be excluded from the data used to set rates, including future pandemics. Other than certified acts of terrorism, NCCI’s catastrophe provision only accounts for single-event losses...

July 14, 2021

OSHA Actions Impact the Construction Industry

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is planning to take actions that will directly impact employers in the construction industry. Among the most prominent are the proposed amendments to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) that are being designed to conform to changes in the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)....

July 7, 2021

Managing Re-entry Anxiety Related To The COVID-19 Pandemic

With the COVID-19 vaccine becoming much more widely available across the country, the topic of returning to in-person work, school and other activities is being discussed constantly. The reopening of the country, though, comes with some uncertainties and may lead to feelings of re-entry anxiety. What Is Re-entry Anxiety? Re-entry anxiety is an overall uneasiness...

June 29, 2021

What To Consider In The Post-Pandemic Commercial Real Estate Environment

As vaccinations ramp up and Covid-19 transmissions decline, the journey toward normalcy seems just about over. Because of that, I believe commercial real estate generally and office space specifically remain sound investments. However, the pandemic has forever changed the way corporations and workers use these assets and, as a result, how investors should think about...

June 21, 2021

8 Policies to Review Before Returning to Work

Returning to in-person work is a top priority for many workplaces. As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lessens, employers are eager to get employees back in their buildings. But that comes with a series of complications. The most significant complication is the fact that every workplace decision in the immediate future will be viewed...

May 24, 2021

Amenities Are Reopening, With Technology At Their Core

Last year, once-bustling amenities in multifamily properties fell silent as residents stayed socially distanced in their units. Meanwhile, property managers sought alternative ways to engage residents and empower them to take advantage of the amenities they pay for while still feeling safe. They found that technology provided the bridge they were looking for.  “In the past year, we’ve seen a rise...

April 30, 2021

Commercial Building Spring Maintenance

Wintertime weather, like snow and ice, can be especially damaging to properties. Now that warmer weather is finally here, it’s time to inspect your buildings and do the needed maintenance you may have put off during the winter. The following advice can help reinvigorate your property, preparing it for the warmer months ahead. Test and...

April 14, 2021

OSHA Prepares to Issue Emergency Regulations to Protect Workers from COVID-19

Mask mandates are coming down across the country, even as COVID cases are rising in most states. But the Biden administration appears poised to reinstate masking and other social distancing rules for recalcitrant governors — at least in the workplace. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration is preparing to issue new short-term regulations to...

April 8, 2021

Employee Benefits in the Post-Vaccine World are Changing

As spring weather and increasing availability of coronavirus vaccinations brighten the horizon, many employers are starting to make plans to bring employees back to the office, at least part time. It’s less a return to normal than an evolution to a new idea of what normal looks like — including rethinking what kinds of perks,...

April 6, 2021

Emerging Risks in 2021

Over the past few years, several new and different exposures have developed that have unique or unusual insurance needs. Coverages for some of these have been developed over time. For some, exclusions have been created for use until the risk becomes better quantifiable, while other emerging risks are still developing, so coverage needs are not...