The Advantages of Voluntary Benefits

CMR Risk & Insurance Services Inc. > Blog > Employee Benefits > The Advantages of Voluntary Benefits
Posted by: CMR August 15, 2024 No Comments

Voluntary benefits, such as vision, dental and life insurance, are additional benefit options offered by an employer. Unlike traditional benefits like health coverage, employees are responsible for paying for most or all of these voluntary options. Advantages of these benefits include:

  • Price—A group rate is generally lower than what you’d pay when buying individually from an insurance company. If the benefit is something you plan to purchase regardless, it’s likely more cost-effective to purchase through your employer.
  • Convenience—When you elect a voluntary benefit option, your premium is paid through convenient payroll deductions like your other benefits.
  • Protection—Many of these types of benefits may seem unnecessary, but they can financially protect you in the event of an unexpected illness, accident, death or other incident.

Contact us if you have questions about available voluntary benefits.

Article Published By: Zywave, Inc.

Author: CMR

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