While springtime is often associated with cleaning and resetting one’s personal space, these principles can be applied to the workplace, too — and that doesn’t just mean reorganizing your desk. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, symptoms of depression and anxiety have continued to increase three years into the pandemic. In fact, 90% of U.S. adults believe the...
What does inflation have to do with healthcare? As far as consumers are concerned, just about everything. The cost of healthcare is not immune to historic levels of inflation: A recent report by WTW predicts that global healthcare benefit costs will jump 10% in 2023. Coupled with rising consumer prices, and unaffordable healthcare can have troubling and swift...
When a list of benefits stands alone on a job posting, it can sound like standard issue workplace jargon. That’s why more employers are advertising their company culture as a way to set themselves apart. By intertwining the two, companies can create a more compelling presentation and entice talent. According to a survey of 2,000 workers by...
On March 3, 2023, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA Board) proposed to revise the standards for workplace exposure to lead for the general industry and construction industries. With the revisions, Cal/OSHA cited a need to adequately protect employees who are exposed to lead in their occupations. This proposal would reduce the...
The latest Consumer Engagement in Health Care Survey (CEHCS) revealed that although many Americans are satisfied with the open enrollment process overall, they are not looking closely at their health plan options when making selections. Since 2005, the survey has been jointly conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald Research to provide...
Telemedicine—the delivery of health care from a distance using technology—has become increasingly popular following the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine allows people to seek basic primary care and other services without having to leave their homes, making it a convenient, efficient and often less expensive way to receive health care. This article explains how telemedicine can give...
A new report from The Workforce Institute at UKG revealed that managers impact employee mental health more than doctors and therapists. The study conducted for the report surveyed 3,400 people in 10 countries, including the United States, to explore mental health in and outside work. Not surprisingly, work impacts employee mental health, and organizational leaders...
Alongside compensation, health care coverage is often seen as one of the most important benefits a job can offer. And the larger the variety of options available to employees, the more likely they are to find an option that best suits their needs. This is good for employers because employees are more likely to stay...
Despite all the headlines about layoffs hitting Silicon Valley and Wall Street, most employers will be feeling the tailwind of the war for talent in the new year. The labor market has remained stubbornly robust in the face of recession forecasts and the Federal Reserve’s campaign to raise interest rates. Hiring is especially competitive for small businesses. More...
There’s no denying that employees’ needs have changed over the past few years. As such, employers can offer benefits to meet evolving worker needs shaped by lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a tight labor market and rising inflation. Many workers are paying more attention to their benefits and wondering how to stretch their dollars...