
March 30, 2023

Wildfire Preparedness Steps for Businesses

Wildfires are unplanned, uncontrolled and unpredictable fires resulting from lightning and human causes, such as campfires, downed utility wires and cigarette butts. Direct flames, radiant heat from nearby burning plants or structures, and flying embers from wildfires can pose risks to businesses, homes and people. Wildfires can have a profound impact on local economies as...

March 28, 2023

CEOs Want Employees Back In Office—But Can We Prove Buildings Are Safe?

With COVID-19 vaccination efforts fully ramped up, U.S. employers are accelerating their plans to bring employees back to the office. Recently, PwC’s US Remote Work Survey found 75% of executives anticipate at least half their employees will be back in the office this month. While remote work has proven to be successful by many measures, few leaders...

March 27, 2023

What Do Your Benefits Say About Your Company’s Culture?

When a list of benefits stands alone on a job posting, it can sound like standard issue workplace jargon. That’s why more employers are advertising their company culture as a way to set themselves apart. By intertwining the two, companies can create a more compelling presentation and entice talent.  According to a survey of 2,000 workers by...

March 22, 2023

Defining an Occurrence in Insurance

Going as far back as the 1973 policy’s insuring agreement, the insurer pledges to pay on behalf of the insured all sums the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by an “occurrence.” The current CGL form employs simplified language to promise: “We will pay those...

March 21, 2023

Insuring the Climate Transition: How Can the Construction Industry Confront Escalating Storm Damage?

Like every industry, construction isn’t immune to the effects of global climate change. Adverse weather affects 45% of construction projects globally, a 2021 report from the Air Force Institute of Technology found, and results in billions of dollars of additional expenses and lost revenue. Project delays, damaged materials and supply chain shortages are just some of...

March 20, 2023

How Nonprofit Insurance Brokers and Carriers Support the Causes Closest to Their Hearts

Most of us should be able to agree that those who work within not-for-profit organizations are heroes. From nonprofit founders to entry-level workers, they find themselves in this important work because it fuels a personal passion. That passion might include an overarching urge and desire to express benevolence and aid those causes and communities who...

March 16, 2023

Mobile Device Security Threats and How to Prevent Them

Mobile malware—malicious software designed to gain access to private data on mobile devices—is a growing threat to companies’ cybersecurity. As companies embrace remote work and more employees use their personal devices for work-related tasks, cybercriminals are finding more opportunities to exploit these vulnerable and often unsecured devices to access corporate servers and sensitive information. The...

March 14, 2023

Cal/OSHA Proposes Revisions to Workplace Lead Exposures Standards

On March 3, 2023, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA Board) proposed to revise the standards for workplace exposure to lead for the general industry and construction industries. With the revisions, Cal/OSHA cited a need to adequately protect employees who are exposed to lead in their occupations. This proposal would reduce the...

March 9, 2023

A ‘Seismic Shift’ is Coming to Commercial Real Estate, CEO of a Flexible Workspace Giant Says

Employees around the world were forced to adopt fully remote work for the first time when COVID-19 struck. But as the pandemic stretches into its third year, vaccines become more widespread, and hospitalization rates drop, companies have been trying to lure employees back to working in the office full-time once more. JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon...

March 8, 2023

Construction Industry Trends to Watch

The construction industry consists of companies that construct, maintain and repair buildings and other structures (e.g., roads, bridges and utility systems). This sector plays a vital role in the U.S. economy by keeping residential areas, commercial facilities and local infrastructure in good condition, thus supporting the safety and welfare of communities across the nation. In...