March 30, 2021

New California COVID-19 Leave Law is Retroactive to Jan. 1

Under a new law, California employers with more than 25 employees must provide up to 80 new hours of supplemental paid sick leave for specific COVID-19-related reasons. The leave requirement takes effect March 29, 2021, but is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2021. Reasons for Leave Employees may take leave if they cannot work or telework because...

March 29, 2021

Seven Post-Pandemic Changes To Improve Your Commercial Building

Commercial property investors and property managers are bracing for the return of their tenants in 2021. Whether they’ll need to wait until the summer or fall is largely undetermined at this point. The major pushback to the office is dependent on how quickly the population can be vaccinated and reach herd immunity.  What is clear...

March 24, 2021

Work-From-Home Shift to Stretch Firms’ Cyber Cover

Roughly a year after the COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly around the world, many employees in various industries are working from home to avoid contracting or spreading the virus in the office or on their daily commute. This has made it harder for organizations to secure their networks, and cyber insurance policies that used to be...

March 22, 2021

2021 General Liability Insurance Market Outlook

In recent years, the general liability market has consistently underperformed, resulting in heightened underwriting losses and subsequent rate increases. As worsening social inflation concerns, surging medical expenses and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continue to contribute to a rise in liability claim frequency and severity, the market has preceded to harden. Due to these market conditions,...

March 15, 2021

Perspectives: Companies Increasingly Turn to Captives as Employee Benefits Evolve Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has been the biggest disruptor in the health care sector in years, catapulting change in the delivery of care and putting greater focus on the emotional and financial well-being of employees as part of a broader business resiliency effort. To manage this more expansive set of benefits, companies are increasingly turning to captives for...

February 16, 2021

Employers Concerned About Mental Health, Stress Impact on Safety

More than 90% of employers are concerned about mental health and chronic stress impacting their workers’ fitness for duty, according to the results of a survey released Monday by the National Safety Council. The Itasca, Illinois-based council surveyed employers about workplace impairment in 2020, finding that 93% of employers believe that fitness for duty extends...

February 1, 2021

OSHA Issues New Prevention Guidance on COVID-19 in the Workplace

On Jan. 29, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued guidance on mitigating and preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The guidance is intended to inform employers and workers in settings outside of health care of the risks of being exposed to or contracting COVID-19 at work. This guidance is meant...

January 29, 2021

Hard Property Market To Continue in 2021, With Higher Rates, New Exclusions: RPS

The property insurance market will continue to harden through 2021, with rising exposures and reinsurance costs driving primary rates higher, according to a report from wholesale broker Risk Placement Services (RPS). RPS expects rate increases in the high-single digits to 15% range on clean accounts. Increases are expected to be higher on accounts with losses....

January 26, 2021

CDC Provides Guidance on Ventilation in Buildings

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a webpage providing guidance on ventilation in buildings to reduce COVID-19 exposure indoors. The CDC provides recommendations on what heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) strategies employers should use to lower the risk of exposure to COVID-19 throughout the workplace. One of the recommendations is...

January 18, 2021

5 Mental Health Employee Benefits Trends for 2021

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have reported increases in anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide. The toll that the pandemic takes on mental health increases daily. Before the pandemic, 5% of employed workers reported poor or very poor mental health. Now, 18% of employed workers struggle with mental health issues. The COVID-19...