
June 9, 2022

Cyberthreats 2022: What We Know So Far

The key to any robust cyber defense strategy involves two things: insight into your own vulnerabilities and insight into evolving adversarial tactics — only then can you truly build defenses that align with evolving enemy strategies. A report by Kroll, a U.S. provider of technology and insights related to risk and governance, claims the threat environment...

June 7, 2022

Do Nonprofits Need Liability Insurance?

The answer to the question about whether nonprofits need liability insurance is more than a simple “yes” or “no.” When a group or individual considers purchasing any type of insurance policy, it’s important to think about the reason they need it, and the potential for them to cause harm to someone else, either intentionally or...

May 31, 2022

How Technology is Helping Lower Risks in Construction

Construction projects are becoming more complex, while the timeframes to complete them are shortening. On top of these challenges, supply chain troubles and labor shortages are raising the potential risks for builders, insurance industry sources tell “Each of these factors can increase business expenses and insurance rates, which underscores why it’s more important than ever for...

May 27, 2022

How Office Landlords Digitally Protect Their Tenants

The phrase “secure building” may evoke an image of a looming windowless fortress, defended by an armada of steely-eyed security guards and a tapestry of barbed-wire fencing. But most office buildings don’t share that kind of dramatic appeal. In this digital era, security for many buildings comes in the form of protection against hackers.  Previously,...

May 18, 2022

Why Are US Commercial Insurance Rates Continuing to Climb?

A new report from the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) has looked into the impact of inflationary pressures on commercial lines insurance in the US and identified three main drivers of commercial insurance rate increases. “Insurers and agents continue to look for ways to reduce costs while still meeting all obligations to policyholders, but as claims...

May 17, 2022

How to Learn from Accidents in the Workplace

Workplace accidents are serious and frequently result in severe injuries – even death.  As a business owner, you’d like to believe it couldn’t happen to you, but that isn’t always the case.  Regardless of the stringent safety protocols, you have in place – never say never. How these incidents occur and the seriousness of an...

May 4, 2022

New Hires May Drive Work Comp Claim Frequency

A new report by Travelers says workers with less than a year’s time on the job filed 35 percent of all workers’ compensation claims, a troubling statistic considering that employers are in the midst of an historic hiring spree. Rich Ives, vice president of business insurance for The Travelers Companies, said there hasn’t been an...

April 28, 2022

A Diverse Workforce Needs Diverse Employee Benefits

Employee benefits play a key role in helping organizations attract and retain employees. But not all benefits are valued equally by all employees. As the U.S. workforce becomes more diverse in terms of racial and ethnic background, native language, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, health, work location and more, employers need to respond by offering a...

April 27, 2022

Best Practices for Hauling Heavy Construction Equipment

Hauling heavy equipment between job sites is a common task in the construction industry. Yet, when this equipment is not properly secured, serious accidents can occur during transportation, potentially resulting in destroyed equipment, damaged vehicles, traffic fines and injuries (or even fatalities) among employees or other motorists on the road. Considering these consequences, it’s critical...

April 26, 2022

Office Risk is Increasing as Workers Continue to Prefer Remote Options

Since the initial wave of the COVID-19 Omicron variant started to subside, people have begun to return to the office in larger numbers than we have seen since the start of the pandemic. But office owners are still trying to define “return.” In our 2022 commercial real estate trends overview, we explored the on-going struggle between...