
May 17, 2022

How to Learn from Accidents in the Workplace

Workplace accidents are serious and frequently result in severe injuries – even death.  As a business owner, you’d like to believe it couldn’t happen to you, but that isn’t always the case.  Regardless of the stringent safety protocols, you have in place – never say never. How these incidents occur and the seriousness of an...

May 4, 2022

New Hires May Drive Work Comp Claim Frequency

A new report by Travelers says workers with less than a year’s time on the job filed 35 percent of all workers’ compensation claims, a troubling statistic considering that employers are in the midst of an historic hiring spree. Rich Ives, vice president of business insurance for The Travelers Companies, said there hasn’t been an...

April 28, 2022

A Diverse Workforce Needs Diverse Employee Benefits

Employee benefits play a key role in helping organizations attract and retain employees. But not all benefits are valued equally by all employees. As the U.S. workforce becomes more diverse in terms of racial and ethnic background, native language, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, health, work location and more, employers need to respond by offering a...

April 27, 2022

Best Practices for Hauling Heavy Construction Equipment

Hauling heavy equipment between job sites is a common task in the construction industry. Yet, when this equipment is not properly secured, serious accidents can occur during transportation, potentially resulting in destroyed equipment, damaged vehicles, traffic fines and injuries (or even fatalities) among employees or other motorists on the road. Considering these consequences, it’s critical...

April 26, 2022

Office Risk is Increasing as Workers Continue to Prefer Remote Options

Since the initial wave of the COVID-19 Omicron variant started to subside, people have begun to return to the office in larger numbers than we have seen since the start of the pandemic. But office owners are still trying to define “return.” In our 2022 commercial real estate trends overview, we explored the on-going struggle between...

April 19, 2022

Small Businesses are Underestimating Cyberthreats

Only 8% of businesses with fewer than 50 employees have a dedicated budget for cybersecurity, says a recently released report from Corvus Insurance. Their survey found many of those small businesses lump cybersecurity into their IT or another department’s budget, and 47% have no cybersecurity budget at all. The numbers don’t get much better when you...

April 14, 2022

Importance of Surety Bonds in Construction

Important Role of Surety Bonds Within the Construction Industry Construction companies face significant risks, especially when they perform work on projects spanning several years. Issues like economic downturns, inflationary pressures, material shortages, equipment breakdowns, and others can threaten the ability of contractors to perform under their contracts. When these types of problems are insurmountable, construction...

April 13, 2022

OSHA Launches Program to Protect Workers From Heat Hazards

On April 12, 2022, OSHA launched its National Emphasis Program (NEP) for protecting workers from heat hazards in indoor and outdoor workplaces. Through the program, OSHA will conduct heat-related workplace inspections before workers suffer preventable injuries, illnesses or fatalities. The NEP is effective on April 8, 2022, and will remain in effect for three years...

April 7, 2022

Smarter Health Care Consumers Requires Stronger Benefits Education Initiatives

With health care costs continuing to rise, today’s consumers need to make smarter health care decisions to ensure they receive the care they need at a price they can afford. Unfortunately, most American consumers lack an understanding of health care, their own health plans, and how to effectively “shop” for health care coverage and services....

March 30, 2022

What to Expect From Commercial Property Insurance in 2022

Commercial property rates have seen double-digit increases for two straight years and Gary Wells, managing partner at The Liberty Company Insurance Brokers, does not foresee a notable drop any time soon. The 2022 outlook for this segment is still quite uncertain as severe weather events continue to present challenges for carriers, brokers, and clients. “We...