
May 9, 2023

Nonprofit Sector Trends to Watch

Nonprofit organizations operate to fulfill their missions, benefit the community and serve the public. They are essential for maintaining a thriving society and contribute greatly to health care, higher education, environmental stewardship, human services, religious services, arts and culture, and other vital services. However, in the months and years ahead, the nonprofit sector could face...

May 8, 2023

Supporting Employees During Mental Health Awareness Month and Beyond

Employee mental health has become a workplace topic of increased focus and awareness in recent years. An employee’s mental health includes how they think, feel and act, and their emotional and social well-being. While mental health includes mental illness, these two concepts aren’t interchangeable. For example, an employee can go through a period of poor...

May 3, 2023

OSHA Starts a National Emphasis Program to Prevent Falls

On May 1, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that OSHA started a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to prevent falls. OSHA states that falls continue to be the leading cause of fatal workplace injuries and one of the most frequently cited OSHA violations in the construction industry. The NEP went into effect on May...

May 2, 2023

Spring Cleaning in the Workplace for Better Mental Health

While springtime is often associated with cleaning and resetting one’s personal space, these principles can be applied to the workplace, too — and that doesn’t just mean reorganizing your desk.  According to Kaiser Family Foundation, symptoms of depression and anxiety have continued to increase three years into the pandemic. In fact, 90% of U.S. adults believe the...

April 27, 2023

Business Risks in an Economic Downturn

Without a thorough evaluation of its business model, any manufacturer can be severely threatened by an economic downturn. While devising creative solutions to keep your business running despite unfavorable economic conditions, keep in mind that changes to your business can result in new liability exposure. Supply Chain Risks It’s no secret that the financial security...

April 26, 2023

How to Handle Construction Equipment Spending in 2023

Business owners need to be careful with their spending and managing their balance sheets during 2023, to avoid the pitfalls of inflation and overspending. It is still a bit nuts out there. The economic and construction ball just keeps going up and down, up and down. What all this tells me, from a financial perspective...

April 25, 2023

Will Luxe Amenities Get Workers Back to the Office? Owners Say, ‘Yes’

The house party is ending for many office-bound workers — and, as a result, the office experience is getting a lot more fun.  The push to get workers back to their desks resulted in a so-called “flight to quality” — tenants demanding highly amenitized, Class A office spaces. In response, landlords upped the ante like...

April 24, 2023

To Battle Inflation, Employees Are Forgoing Healthcare

What does inflation have to do with healthcare? As far as consumers are concerned, just about everything.  The cost of healthcare is not immune to historic levels of inflation: A recent report by WTW predicts that global healthcare benefit costs will jump 10% in 2023. Coupled with rising consumer prices, and unaffordable healthcare can have troubling and swift...

April 20, 2023

Earthquakes Cause $14.7B in Annualized Losses, USGS Reports

Earthquakes cause $14.7 billion in damages and related losses on an annualized basis in the U.S., according to an updated estimate from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The updated figure, which is twice that of the previous annual estimate, reflects increasing property values, and the inclusion of the latest hazards...

April 19, 2023

Trenching and Excavation Safety

It is essential to implement safety measures during trenching and excavation work to help prevent serious injuries and deaths. Especially considering the recent rise in fatalities and penalties involving this type of work, construction employers need to ensure they utilize proper risk management techniques. OSHA Penalties OSHA recently announced new enforcement guidance to deter employers...