Water damage stands as a persistent threat to buildings under construction, ranking as one of the leading causes of property loss worldwide.
In the U.S. alone, the annual incurred loss amounts attributed to weather and non-weather-related water damage are equal to $500 million[1], emphasizing the significant financial burden this damage can place on construction projects.
As buildings take shape, water may seep in through various avenues, exploiting vulnerabilities by way of surface water flooding, uncovered or temporary roof systems, wind-driven rains, water service supply lines, and water drain lines. Understanding the pervasive nature of water and its ability to infiltrate any available opening underscores the need for robust risk management strategies.
The first and most important step in preventing water damage during construction is to establish a job site specific plan. Each project will have its own challenges based on location, topography construction methods and intended occupancy. General Contractors or Construction Managers should designate a competent individual to oversee and manage the site specific plan and ensure ample staff and appropriate supplies are available to minimize potential loss. The following five steps will help in your plan creation.
Pay special attention to floor openings such as electrical chases or elevator shafts where water can damage equipment and wiring on multiple floors. Seal openings where possible or install temporary dikes to keep any surface water out. During rains, have staff and supplies available to respond to any water-related emergency to minimize damage.
Consider installing water detection or flow alarms in areas that may be particularly susceptible to damage. This is also important for charged systems that should not see normal water flow such as automatic sprinkler systems. Water detection systems can detect water at the floor level and send a notification of the presence of water.
Best Practice: Shut off water supplies at the main service valves prior to leaving the project for any significant length of time. Consider doing this ahead of a weekend or holiday period to ensure peace of mind for those involved in the project.
Have a question on how to mitigate risk? Contact CMR Risk & Insurance Services for risk management guidance and resources.
Article Published By: insurancejournal.com
Article Written By: John Holpuch