No matter where you live, you’re sure to encounter and have to deal with emergencies, whether they be tornadoes, fires, chemical or toxic spills, or any number of other natural and man-made disasters. In these situations when conditions can so quickly become life-threatening, workplace preparedness is key and could mean the difference between life...
Fear, worry and stress are normal responses to perceived or real threats, or when faced with uncertainty. Understandably so, it is normal that people are experiencing worry or stress during the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of daily life. Americans are increasingly suffering from behavioral health issues during the...
Many nonprofit organization leaders are under the impression that they can’t afford the range of insurance coverages needed to adequately provide protection against their unique risk exposures. In reality, the absence of these protections may place the organization in jeopardy and be far more costly in the long run. While nonprofits need the basic...
Early in the pandemic, José Guzman said he asked his managers at the Farmer John meat packing plant in Vernon, just south of Los Angeles, for a mask and hand sanitizer. “They said they were not responsible. They could not give us masks because they had no masks,” said Guzman, a 61-year-old from San...
Those of us who were present in that seemingly blissful time before the 9/11 attacks remember the experience of walking into an office building as a visitor, heading straight for the elevator and probably not speaking to another soul until you got to your destination — if then. All of that changed with the...
The number of Americans who filed for jobless claims exceeded 1 million last week, but it was down slightly compared to the previous week, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reported on Thursday (Aug. 27). “There’s lots of pain out there,” Jared Kushner, senior White House advisor to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, told CNBC. “But...
In order to mitigate the risks associated with construction, it is essential to assess the risk accurately and have a control mechanism in place once the threat has been identified. Being able to manage risks effectively will lead you to higher profits and good relationships with the clients. For contractors, the most significant risk...
Sanjay Rishi, America’s CEO, Corporate Solutions, at JLL, told Karen Webster in an interview that in the United States, the commercial real estate market may be poised to embrace a range of hybrid models as we emerge from the lingering and long shadow of the pandemic. Those models will evolve in a fluid manner over...
The presence of unemployment-related scams has grown in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Current unemployment scams include both fraudulent claims and unemployment-related phishing attempts. As many employers are currently dealing with the reality of a high amount of unemployment claims, organizations can take steps to prepare for fraudulent activity and to accurately...
There’s little doubt that technology has changed the construction industry for the better. Aside from more efficient operations, tech innovation in construction has paved the way for growth and gaining a competitive edge. Schools like Capitol Technology University has taught would-be workers in the field how to maximize the use of technology to advance their careers...